Community Engagement

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Alliance Ground International's Commitment to the Community

AGI has partnered with the United Way of Miami-Dade, the City of Los Angeles and Chicago to help Veterans and those in impoverished areas get connected with full time employment at MIA, LAX and ORD.

United Way of Miami-Dade

AGI has partnered with the United Way of Miami-Dade to help those in impoverished areas get connected with full time employment at MIA and DOR. United Way of Miami-Dade is an organization on a mission to build a “stronger” Miami where families are taught how to become financially secure long term and where people can live their lives to the fullest, for generations to come. The mission of United Way of Miami-Dade is to build/re-build the Miami community by helping people care for one another. Corporate HR will work with other HR Business Partners across the US to share the AGI Cares program nationwide.

Mission United of Miami-Dade

AGI has partnered with Mission United of Miami-Dade. Mission United is a subset of the United Way of Miami, Mission United helps Veterans of Miami-Dade make the transition from active duty to civilian life. Mission United of Miami is a single point of entry for veterans to access the help they need, and ease the transition by connecting these individuals with a coordinated network of partners, like AGI, to empower Veterans and their families to lead productive lives in our community.

United Way of Chicago

AGI has partnered with the United Way of Chicago to help those in impoverished areas get connected with full time employment at Chicago and DOR. United Way is a catalyst in building community by bringing hearts, minds and resources together. United Way of Metro Chicago fights for the health, education, financial stability and safety of every person in every neighborhood across the region.

Skills for Chicagoland Future

AGI has partnered with Skills for Chicagoland Future to help those in Chicago get back on their feet. Skills for Chicagoland’s Future is a public-private partnership working to match businesses that have current, unmet hiring needs with qualified, unemployed and underemployed job seekers. Since Skills launched in September 2012, thousands of unemployed/underemployed job seekers have been placed– creating opportunities to increase economic mobility for Chicagoland area residents and solving talent solutions of local businesses. Beyond local impact, Skills also provides consulting services for organizations interested in developing or adapting the Skills demand-driven model in their region.


  • Mission: Create demand-driven solutions for employers to get the unemployed and underemployed to work.
  • Vision: Continuously meet employers’ talent needs to create economic opportunity for the unemployed and underemployed.
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