Accounting News and Updates

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It is tax season AGAIN and unfortunately, as US Residents, we cannot avoid it. Tax Day is just around the corner, and as much as we would like to know all our clients are ready, we understand unexpected events happen and some of you will need to postpone the tax filing process. For those who…

Payroll Taxes & Your Personal Credit

frank.rosillo - 10/11/2016

The Payroll deadline is fast approaching. Payroll Deadline is October 31st. Are you a business owner or a signer on a the business bank account? BEWARE: If so, did you know that you if you did not pay your Trust Fund Liability portion of the federal payroll tax (Medicare and Social Security Taxes), it can…

How a Financial Plan Can Affect Your Tax Strategy

frank.rosillo - 10/04/2016

Tax-Exempt Investments Did you know there is a reason the “rich get richer”?  Successful entrepreneurs make financial plans and learn to invest wisely. By mastering the skill of investing these entrepreneurs get the most gain between returns and tax savings, which can then be reinvested for exponential returns. Believe it or not, every successful business…

Development and Implementation of a Financial Plan

frank.rosillo - 09/26/2016

If you are like most people today, you dream of a secure financial future. Although it is a common dream, not everyone knows how to achieve this. At Rosillo & Associates, we understand how difficult it can be to take this first step. We understand that most people do not know where to begin. That…

7 Reasons Why You Should Have a Financial Plan

frank.rosillo - 09/21/2016

Successful entrepreneurs understand the importance of financial planning and financial advisory.  Electing an experienced financial planner is key to creating a successful and attainable financial plan.  When creating a financial plan, it is important to set realistic goals and the proper actions to achieve those goals. In America, poor financial planning is one of the…

What is a Financial Plan?

frank.rosillo - 09/12/2016

The Power of a Financial Plan. Planning Today for Tomorrow. A financial plan is a comprehensive evaluation of the present financial situation and the financial goals of an individual, business or organization. A financial plan will present a clear path from your current financial status to your financial expectations. A financial plan will allow for…

The Cost of Being an Olympic Athlete

frank.rosillo - 08/25/2016

Gold, Silver and Bronze, the medals of a winner. However, these prizes come with their costs. With the closing of the Summer games in Rio de Janeiro this past Sunday, it now comes the time for Olympic Athletes to prepare for the taxes they will pay on their winnings. Many of us overlook the fact…

How to start a Business in the U.S. as a Foreigner

frank.rosillo - 08/24/2016

Every day more and more foreigners are setting up new businesses all across the United States. Many investors are looking to take advantage of the world’s largest integrated market! Setting up a business in the Untied Stated can seem rather challenging at first. But with proper guidance from a professional CPA, those challenges can be…

Why You Can’t Afford to Ignore Margin Management

frank.rosillo - 08/16/2016

Reviewing a company’s margins is an insight of how profitable the company is and what the risk of doing business is. If your goal is to invest in other businesses or you are seeking investors for your own business reviewing the profit margins should be done first. According to Chron, the profit margin is simply…

Fraud Prevention:  Asset Protection and Securing Assets

frank.rosillo - 08/08/2016

In today’s world fraud is all too common. It seems that nearly everyone can remember when they heard about a scandal involving fraud. Most fraud scandals that make the news headlines are large corporations. So, it makes perfect sense that a small business owner would not consider their business for being at risk of fraud.…

5 Dangers of DIY (Do It Yourself) Accounting

frank.rosillo - 08/02/2016

While managing your own accounting may seem like the perfect solution to save your company money. It may actually stunt the growth of your potential earnings. In fact, poor financial management is one of the main reasons a business fails. Misplaced Talent Not everyone is comfortable with accounting or good with numbers, but an accountant…