“Sin tax” is a higher tax rate for products that typically have bad effects on the human body. Products that fall under Sin Tax include: GMO food, junk food, snacks, marijuana, vending machines food and soda drinks. The concept of…
“Sin tax” is a higher tax rate for products that typically have bad effects on the human body. Products that fall under Sin Tax include: GMO food, junk food, snacks, marijuana, vending machines food and soda drinks. The concept of…
The Power of a Financial Plan. Planning Today for Tomorrow. A financial plan is a comprehensive evaluation of the present financial situation and the financial goals of an individual, business or organization. A financial plan will present a clear path…
In today’s world fraud is all too common. It seems that nearly everyone can remember when they heard about a scandal involving fraud. Most fraud scandals that make the news headlines are large corporations. So, it makes perfect sense that…
While managing your own accounting may seem like the perfect solution to save your company money. It may actually stunt the growth of your potential earnings. In fact, poor financial management is one of the main reasons a business fails.…
If you are, then this information definitely pertains to you. Apart from domestic earned income, the United States also taxes income earned from foreign countries. The IRS provides a deduction on taxable income for US citizens living and working outside…
People that have a financial account or are a signature authority over a financial account in another country that exceed certain thresholds are required by law to report these accounts to the Department of Treasury by submitting a Report of…
The United States has taxing authority over some foreign corporations which have U.S. citizens or Greencard holders as officers, directors or shareholders even if such foreign corporations don’t have permanent establishments in the U.S. or don’t have any income sourced…
For 2015, the deadline of June 30th, 2016 is just around the corner and penalties can be severe. The U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has been aggressively pursuing tax evaders and taxpayers involved in wrongful transactions in foreign countries. The…
For calendar year 2015, the deadline to file a Foreign Bank Account Report (FBAR) is June 30st, 2016. This deadline is a very serious one, failure to file penalties start at $10,000 and can even result in jail time. Still…
No matter what line of work you are in, getting your own business up and running is no small feat. With so many moving parts to keep track of—insurance policies, employees,